Leonard Skowronski Polish Studies Scholarship -$3,000 – Apply Now

Posted on 26-01-2024 , by: Art Gmurowski , in , 0 Comments

Applications are now being accepted for two (2) Leonard Skowroński Polish Studies Scholarships of $3,000 each.  These scholarships are sponsored by the American Council for Polish Culture, of which the Austin Polish Society is a member.  This is one of the benefits of our membership in the ACPC. 

The scholarship is named for a former ACPC Board member who left the ACPC a very generous gift.  These scholarships are intended for students pursuing some Polish studies (major may be in other fields) at universities in the United States who have completed at least two years of college or university work at an accredited institution.  The link to the details and requirements are on the ACPC website: Polish Studies Scholarship (polishcultureacpc.org).  If you meet the criteria, please consider applying.  The scholarships are awarded for the fall 2024 term.  Go for it!
