When Time Location

4:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Klub Historyczny- Opowiesci regionalne/Polish History Club- local tales

Posted on 26-09-2018 , by: Art Gmurowski , 0 Comments


Na pazdziernikowym spotkaniu klubu historycznego, podobnie jak w ubieglym miesiacu, zapraszamy uczestnikow do powiedzenia kilku slow o rodzinnym regionie Polski- mozna przyniesc ksiazki, zdjecia, pocztowki itp. Bedziemy mieli do dyspozycji mape Polski, ekran telewizora, komputer i internet. Prezentacja moze byc krotka i nieformalna, chodzi o to zeby spedzic mile czas opowiadajac o Polsce. Przyotowanie prezentacji jest oczywiscie opcjonalne, zapraszamy tez w charakterze sluchacza. Zgodznie z sugestia uczestnikow, spotkanie odbedzie sie w innych godzinach niz zwykle-4-7.

Spotkania odbywaja sie w jezyku Polskim , ale wszyscy sa mile widziani niezaleznie od poziomu znajomosci jezyka.

During October meeting of Polish History Club, like last month we invite everybody to say a few words about one region of Poland. You may bring books, photos, postcards etc. We will have access to a tv screen, internet, map of Poland and wi-fi. The presentation can be short and very informal, there is no need to prepare a lot, just come to have a good time and learn some about Poland. Preparing a presentation is optional, you can just come and listen, as well. As suggested by members the meeting will change time to 4-7

These meetings are conducted in Polish, however, everybody is welcome.

WHAT: History Club meeting
WHERE: River Place Country Club, 4207 River Place Blvd, Austin, TX 78730 in the meeting room (downstairs in the restaurant)
WHEN: Sunday October 28th, 4pm-7pm ATTENTION DIFFERENT TIME
CONTACT: Helena Wisniewska-Tindall. 989 493 0660; helena.tindall@gmail.com

Coffee and water will be provided. No outside food or drink will be allowed, however It is possible to purchase food and beverages from The Fairway Grille.
